"Expectation is the root of all heart ache." - William Shakespeare
Would anyone ever be disappointed if they had no expectations? If you have no expectations, how do you accomplish anything? If you want abundance in some area of your life how do you achieve it without an expectation and is not the desire for abundance an expectation itself?
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Shakespeare Quotes
If you could live life without any expectations you would never be disappointed. But most people also want to enjoy life and put their heart into something in hopes of achievement. So it seems like you must have an expectation to accomplish something. This is how most people live their lives, they have an expectation and then they pursue it. Then they either achieve it or they don't. When they do not achieve their expectation that is when the heart ache sets in.
Is there another way of living life that could produce more abundance and always leave you happy? Is there a way to live your life that would give you more than if you have an expectation? Absolutely!
Imagine that you are the most powerful being in the universe and anything you desired you could have. Now you get amnesia and you walk around the minions of people and you have forgotten your miraculous power. So you begin doing what they do. You set goals. You get your hopes up. You diligently slave away with your expectations and you achieve them! Well that is all fine and good, but you are the most powerful being in the universe. Why is that all you accomplished? This is kind of how most people live their lives. They put their energy into meeting their goals. They don't even understand how they choose the goals most of the time. The majority of people pick goals based on fear. Plain and simple they do what they do because the alternative is scary on some level. They have an expectation they must meet because to not meet that expectation would somehow make them less than what they are.
Expectation Limits Your Possibilities:
Expectation is a limitation. Plain and simple. True masters of abundance know that their energy is infinitely powerful, intelligent, loving and creative. They can feel that energy pulsing inside of themselves and they following those feeling which bring them the most joy. The truly abundant in life know that their energy will bring them more than they could ever expect when they follow their intuition. How many times have you seen someone on the news whose business is booming and the interviewer says, "Did you ever expect this?" The response is always the same, "No. I had no idea, I just liked to do 'such and such' and then it kept growing. I just love what I do so much it wouldn't even matter if I got paid, but huh I guess it doesn't hurt either!" These people are the ones with abundance. They are happy, successful and expectation (worry) free! These people follow their bliss, their passion, their intuition and they are never..never disappointed! Their whole lives are enjoyable because as they follow their bliss work is not work anymore. It is fun. They leave their work just as rejuvenated or more so than when they arrived. They enjoy their lives because they were intelligent enough to follow their passion and not an expectation. They have come to know that if they follow the path their intuition gives them, the results will always be better than they could have expected. They know that we cannot, from our limited perspective, see how our greatest good will unfold. They know that the energy that created us, this world and this universe is not designed to fail. It is designed to create and grow, so they follow their intuition.
Joy, abundance and a deep inner peace are yours if you let go of expectations and trust your intuitions. Give all your energy to your passion and your passion will grow. Just like the tallest trees who have collected the most energy from the sun, your life will grow beyond what you could expect.
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